Monday, October 15, 2007

Soldiers Three

Hard to imagine that we were once in a war which united rather than divided the nation. Even little boys were swept up in it, including the hatless kid in the center. Not sure where the jackets came from, but we thought they looked military and made us feel we were part of something very big and very important.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

So, you boys also played make-believe games when you were little ?

Playing soldiers ? ;)

Hmm, you said you are not sure where the military jackets came from, guess is...your mothers probably made them out of cloth for the boys. Maybe. :)

Believe it or not, I also played samurai when I played with my friends from my neighbourhood as kids. You boys must have made toy guns from wooden branches to play with, but we - the Japanese kids, used long, hard wooden sticks to use them as ken ( = sabres ). It was a lot of fun ! :)


Chie Minato